Friday, December 4, 2020

The One with the Friends Trivia

Hey readers,

Happy Friday! I hope you're doing well. I am here to make your day even better by having a FRIENDS TRIVIA. That's right, you get to see how well do you know the ICONIC Friends TV show. Now, I know that if you are a friends fan, you have done lots of these quizzes but let's see if you can nail this one. Are you a true friends fan? LET'S FIND OUT!

***Once you are done with the Trivia, you'll find the answers below.


1. What job does Susan Bunch do? 

2. What does C.H.E.E.S.E stand for in Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E?

3. What are the names of Frank Jr's kids?

4. What book did chandler gave to Kathy on her birthday?

5. What is the lucky number that Monica and Chandler promise to to marry each other in Las Vegas?

6. Where did Carol and Susan first meet?

7. What were the names of the two guys who bullied ross and chandler? 

8. Rachel's prom date ditched her for who? 

9. Which one of joey's sister punches Chandler on his face? 

10. What is Chandler's job?

11. What was the name of Ross and Chandler's band? 

12. What does Amy called Rachel's daughter mistakenly? 

13. What is Phoebe's apartment number? 

14. What is the name of Phoebe's birth mother? 

15. What's the first word uttered in the very first episode? 

16. How many pages long was Rachel's letter to Ross?

17. In which restaurant did Monica meet Pete? 

18. How many times did Ross legally divorced? 

19. Where did the "best cheesecake" came from that Rachel and Chandler fell in love with? 

20. What is the name of Rachel's cat?



1. Commercial Director

2. Computerized Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer

3. Leslie, Chandler & Frank Jr. Jr.

4. The Velveteen Rabbit

5. A hard eight

6. At the gym

7. Arthur & Carl

8. Amy Welsh 

9. Cookie

10. Statistical analysis and data reconfiguration 

11. Way, No Way

12. Ella

13. 14

14. Phoebe

15. There's

16. 18 pages (front and back)

17. Moondance Diner

18. 3 times

19. Mama's Little Bakery

20. Mrs. Whiskerson 

Alright guys, I hope you had fun with this quiz. Let me know what's your score in the comments section below. 


Advent Calendar Day 4

What I got: 2 Friends Stickers

I wish you guys a great weekend. Stay safe! 

~Thank you for reading and happy blogging ~ 


  1. Loved this! I'm going to plan a virtual trivia night with some friends who are fans as well and use these questions :)

    1. Aweeee that is awesome! This made my day, thank you. I hope you enjoy with your friends. :D

  2. OMG, I can't believe how much of this info I forgot!!! And I watch FRIENDS everyday!!!! lol Thanks for the refresher. Love this!

    1. Hahhaha it happens, but at the end, you are still a true friends fan! :D

  3. I have probably watched these like a million times, I can't seem to remember any of it. And how are you supposed to remember Joey's sister's name (it's not a question, it's puzzle).

    1. C'mon! It is such an iconic show, people remembers the slightest details about Friends x) My questions were really not that bad hahhaha :D


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