Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Book Review : Scrabble Babble Rabble

Hey readers, 

I am so excited to share this review of Scrabble Babble Rabble because it is definitely one of the best books I have ever read. A story that stays with you, a book that you want to keep close. I loved every moment of it, the writer exceeded my expectations and I am left inspired. 

Book Title: Scrabble Babble Rabble
Author: Bruno Beaches 
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Four prison inmates are thrown randomly together during recreation time, to play scrabble, with the added zing of occasionally telling stories about a word on the board. The stories reveal their characters and histories, but the scrabble itself is a mere transient remission from the vagaries and harshness of prison life, which continues unabated around them and through them.

We are party to a voyage through calm settled waters of support, camaraderie and story-telling, to storms of violence, abuse and abject despair in a rigid, alien and unforgiving environment. We feel the emotions of the highs and lows of prison life through the victimization, determination and hope of our players, who ultimately all show resilience in one way or another.

It is a fable about humanity, garnered with wit, insight and encouragement, with a little whodunnit? thrown in for good measure

My Review: 

I could not love this book more than I already do. This is certainly not something you get to read often. I was already amazed by the title itself. I believe that a good title is one of the most important element in a book and this title could not be more perfect.  I also love the cover of the book, it very much represents the book and the story. Through the game of Scrabble, we get to learn different stories about the lives of the prisoners. Each word is represented with a beautiful, inspiring story. I can not imagine a more perfect way of introducing us to these characters. We also learn that this book is more than just a game, there is more to it. I love how the suspense keeps you engaged throughout the book, I kept wanting to read more and more. You fall in love with the characters, you forget they are prisoners, you realize they are humans, just like us. Not everyone that goes to jail is a criminal, things happen for a reason. Sometimes, we make choices based on a situation and it leads us to an unexpected journey. One of my favorite character is Mr. Blanchflower who's a very respected English teacher. He changes lives, he saves people with his kindness. He's a man of passions! I love how the writer focuses on languages as there is communication between the prisoners, there is bonding over games. It is not simply each prisoner in their own cell kind of thing. People share their stories, they communicate, they love and they hate. They love to learn new things and engage.  Let's not forget, prisoners are people. I love how there is so much reality in the story, things we can relate, issues that are based in our reality. There is so many things I want to write here but when you read a good book, there are too many feelings that you simply can't share. It is not easily to keep a reader engaged throughout the entire book, especially keeping it fun and intense but meaningful at the same time, however this author delivered.  The book leaves you with a reminder that there is always hope in life. This was my first time reading from this author, I am certain that it won't be my last time.

Scrabble Babble Rabble is a book that stays with you. I was full of emotions and even after reading it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It really makes you think about life, deeply. If you are looking for something fun, meaningful and unique, this book is for you. I don't think I cannot recommend this book enough! 

You can follow the author on Goodreads by clicking the link below:
Bruno Beaches Goodreads

You can follow me for more reviews on Goodreads
Inna's Goodreads

~Thank you for reading & happy blogging ~


  1. This sounds really interesting and unlike anything we've read before.

    1. I know right? I was amazed too! It is quite a unique story.

  2. This is interesting, I will check the book. Thank you for this perfect review!! I'm looking forward to read this book.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you get to it, it is really a good one.

  3. Wow. That's sounds like a good book! A great review that has made me add this book to my want to read list!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  4. Wow, I never expected this plot based on the book cover and name. This sounds so intriguing and I appreciate the humanization of the prisoners. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you for reading and I hope you get to read the book, it is very interesting!


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